

2024-10-21T13:28:01-07:00October 21st, 2024|

Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Michelle Wilkins, Beauty Nook "Client has rosacea and her cheeks are always red. Her skin feels flushed and hot all the time. She occasionally has the breakouts associated with Rosacea.


2024-10-21T13:05:36-07:00October 6th, 2023|

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Diane Gaul, Beauty Lounge Wellness Salon and Spa "I tried different products and they did not work. It's been a tremendous improvement using the NeoGenesis products versus what


2024-04-14T08:01:03-07:00September 16th, 2023|

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Christine Preston, Skin Discovery “KM has had skin issues for years and when the pandemic started, her skin took a turn for the worst. Her skin is super sensitive


2024-04-14T08:17:15-07:00September 15th, 2023|

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Maureen Holmes, Skincare Studio “I have rosacea. I started going to Maureen, owner of Skincare Studio, as I wanted to just to keep the redness at bay and keep

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