Radiation + Chemotherapy

Before + After - Radiation + Chemo for Head and Neck Cancer

“I was diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer, originating in the right tonsil and HPV positive. I was scheduled to start chemo for 6 weeks and radiation daily for 7 weeks for squamous cell carcinoma.

I happened to have a meeting with my aesthetician and she asked what the doctors had told me to use. She said, “I’m going to tell you, you need to get in touch with the NeoGenesis folks. I went home, I went on the site, I watched videos, I read through the material. I watched a video of a man who had exactly what I had and he mentioned Oralease* that were given to him inside his mouth. I sent an email to NeoGenesis and told you what was happening to me and asked if you could help. I ordered everything in the protocol lineup. You reached right back and the products were sent ongoing with instructions on how to use.

My skin looks amazing and my doctor had expected me to be burnt. I had no blisters or open sores, just peeling and some redness. My doctor said I should be the poster child for skin since my skin looked so good throughout my treatments.

I just simply followed what I was told to do with regard to my skin. I never had pain really, associated with my skin at all. It was never sensitive to the touch. It was never peeling off in big chunks. It was just little flakes all over, but never had any blistering, never had any wounds.

I just use the NeoGenesis products. I truly believe that it was just a godsend series of products that I used to help me mitigate the misery, and that more people need to know about this.” – Brenda V.

Products Used


Recovery, Barrier Renewal Cream, Moisturizing Mist, *Oralease

*Product currently in testing

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Radiation + Chemotherapy

Radiation and chemotherapy are two of the most common forms of treatment for head and neck cancer. While these treatments can be life-saving, they also come with a number of side effects that can greatly impact a patient’s quality of life.

One of the most well-known side effects of radiation therapy is skin irritation or burns in the treated area. This occurs because radiation damages healthy cells along with cancerous ones, leading to redness, itching, and even blistering of the skin. People undergoing radiation may experience discomfort or pain in the affected areas, making it difficult to eat or speak. In some cases, radiation burns can also lead to infection and delay the treatment process.

Chemotherapy is also a commonly used treatment for head and neck cancer. While it can be effective in killing cancer cells, it can also have some side effects on the skin.  Some of the side effects include dryness, sensitivity, redness, itching, and rash. These side effects can occur on the face, scalp, neck, and chest area. The severity of these side effects may vary from person to person depending on their overall health and the type of chemo drugs used in their treatment.

NeoGenesis oncology friendly products provide crucial support for the skin during cancer treatment, helping to alleviate the impact of radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

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