Radiation + Surgery + Chemo

Before + After - Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer Surgery, Chemo, Radiation

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Tracy Lacina, Skin Deep Salon and Spa

“My client was being treated for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Stage 3. He had tonsillectomy surgery and then was to undergo 34 radiation treatments over a 7 week span. He also started on the chemotherapy drug, Cisplatin, weekly for 6-7 weeks.

The pain after the surgery was almost unbearable. He started taking NeoGenesis Recovery serum orally 2 days post-surgery. He was told by the doctors that he would not be able to eat solids for 14+ days. On day 11, he ate a peanut butter sandwich!

7 days of radiation and he didn’t have any issues at all.

Day 13 he had very little external/internal redness.

21 days in and his Radiation Oncologist couldn’t believe that he was doing so well. He was using Recovery serum orally twice a day and externally twice a day along with Barrier Renewal Cream.

At day 32 of 33 radiation treatments his skin never got any worse than the final photos sent. His Radiation Oncologist was very surprised. My client had his follow up with his Radiation Oncologist – 2 weeks post treatment and the doctor was very impressed with the healing that has taken place. He told my client that he was way ahead of most of his patients at this point. He was able to stop all pain meds 3 days after his last radiation treatment.” – Tracy Lacina

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Radiation + Surgery + Chemo

Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is a type of cancer that affects the mouth and throat, specifically in the cells lining these areas. It is often caused by risk factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV). Treatment for OSCC typically involves a combination of radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy.

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for OSCC and involves targeting the cancer cells with high-energy beams. This can be done externally or internally depending on the location and size of the tumor. The testimonial above highlights how NeoGenesis Recovery serum was used orally before and during radiation treatments to help alleviate pain and promote healing. 

Surgery is another common treatment for OSCC, especially in the early stages. In this case, the client had tonsillectomy surgery which can be a painful procedure. However, using Recovery serum orally helped him to recover faster and even resume eating solid foods earlier than expected.

Chemotherapy may also be used as a treatment for OSCC. Cisplatin was administered weekly for 6-7 weeks and works by targeting rapidly dividing cancer cells but can also cause side effects such as nausea, hair loss, and fatigue. The use of NeoGenesis Recovery serum externally in conjunction with chemotherapy helped to keep the client’s skin healthy and minimize side effects.

In addition to traditional medical treatments, supportive care and proper nutrition are also important for patients with OSCC. It is essential to work closely with healthcare professionals to determine the best treatment plan for each individual case of OSCC.

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