Bibliography and Resources

ACS Med Chem Letters

1.  Gore, A.; et al. Somatic coding mutations in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature 2011, 471, 63−67

2.  Maguire, G. Systems biology approach to developing “systems therapeutics”. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 453−455

3. Deschene, E. R.; et al. β-catenin activation regulates tissue growth non-cell autonomously in the hair stem cell niche. Science 2014, 343, 1353−1356

4.  Hetie, P.; deCuevas, M.; Matunis, E. Conversion of quiescent niche cells to somatic stem cells causes ectopic niche formation in the Drosophila testis. Cell Reports 2014, 7, 715−721 Buganim, Y.; et al. Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into embryonic Sertoli-like cells by defined factors. Cell Stem Cell 2012, 11, 373−386

5.  Su, G.; et al. Direct conversion of fibroblasts into neural progenitor-like cells by forced growth into 3D spheres on low attachment surfaces. Biomaterials 2013, 34 (34), 5897−5906

6.  Tata, P. R.; et al. Dedifferentiation of committed epithelial cells into stem cells in vivo. Nature 2013, 503, 218−223

7.  Kusaba, Y.; et al. Differentiated kidney epithelial cells repair injured proximal tubule. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2014, 111 (4), 1527−32 Kalluri, R.; Weinberg, R. A. The basics of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. J. Clin. Invest. 2009, 119, 1420−1428

8.  Chaffer, C. L.; et al. Normal and neoplastic nonstem cells can 151 spontaneously convert to a stem-like state. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2011, 108, 7950−5

ACS Medicinal Chemistry paper – Systems Therapeutic 2014

1.  Noble, D. A theory of biological relativity: no privileged level of causation. Interface Focus 2012, 2, 55−64

2.  Bundo, M.; Toyoshima, M.; Okada, Y.; Akamatsu, W.; Ueda, J.; Nemoto-Miyauchi, T.; Sunaga, F.; Toritsuka, M.; Ikawa, D.; Kakita, A.; Kato, M.; Kasai, K.; Kishimoto, T.; Nawa, H.; Okano, H.; Yoshikawa, T.; Kato, T.; Iwamoto, K. Increased L1 retrotransposition in the neuronal genome in schizophrenia. Neuron 2014, 81, 306−313

3.  Waters, D. J. Aging research 2011: exploring the pet dog paradigm. ILAR J. 2011, 52, 97−105

4.  Noble, D. Neo-Darwinism, the modern synthesis and selfish genes: are they of use in physiology? J. Physiol. 2011, 589, 1007−1015

5.  Hodgkin, A. L.; Huxley, A. F. A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve. J. Physiol. 1952, 117, 500−544

6.  Nobel, D. Cardiac action and pacemaker potentials based on the Hodgkin−Huxley equations. Nature 1960, 188, 495−497

7.  Maguire, G. Using a systems-based approach to overcome reductionist strategies in the development of diagnostics. Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 2013, 13, 895−905.

8.  Goldenfeld, N.; Woese, C. Life is physics: evolution as a collective phenomenon far from equilibrium. Ann. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 2011, 2, 375−399

9.  Mead, C. Collective Electrodynamics; MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2006

10.  Maguire, G. Stem cell therapy without the cells. Commun. Inter. Biol. 2013, DOI: 10.4161/cib.26631

Comm and Integrative Biology Article

1.  Czechowicz A, Weismann I. Purified hematopoietic stem cell transplantation—the next generation of blood and immune replacement. Immunol Allergy. Clin North Am. 2010; 30: 159–171

2.  Tsao GJ, Allen JA, Kathryn A. Logronioa, Laura C. Lazzeronib, Shizurua J. Purified hematopoietic stem cell allografts reconstitute immunity superior to bone marrow. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009;106: 3288–3293

3. Chimenti I, Smith RR, Li TS, Gerstenblith G, Messina E, Giacomello A, Marbán E. Relative roles of direct regeneration versus paracrine effects of human cardiospherederived cells transplanted into infarcted mice. Circulation Research 2010; 106: 971-980.

4.  Lee JW, Krasnodembskaya A, McKenna DH, Song Y, Abbott J, Matthay MA. Therapeutic effects of human mesenchymal stem cells in ex vivo human lungs injured with live bacteria. Am. J. Respir Crit Care Med. 2013; 187: 751-760

5.  Chien K R. Regenerative biology: heartbroken embryos heal. Nature 2012; 498: 439-440.

6.  Sato T, Clevers H. Growing self-organizing mini-guts from a single intestinal stem cell: mechanism and applications. Science 2013; 340: 1190-1194;340/6137/1190

7.  Souders CA, Bowers SL, Baudino TA. Cardiac fibroblast: the renaissance cell. Circa Res; 105:1164-76.

8.  Scandling JD, Busque S, Dejbakhsh-Jones S, Benike C, Sarwal M, Millan MT, Shizuru JA, Lowsky R, Engleman EG, Strober S. Tolerance and withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs in patients given kidney and hematopoietic cell transplants. Am J Transplant 2012; 12: 1133–1145.

9.  Warriner RA 3rd, Cardinal M; TIDE Investigators. Human fibroblast-derived dermal substitute: results from a treatment investigational device exemption (TIDE) study in diabetic foot ulcers. Adv Skin Wound Care 2011; 24:306-11.

10.  Katagiri W, Osugi M, Kawai T, Ueda M. Novel cell-free regeneration of bone using stem cell-derived growth factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013; 28:1009-16.11.  Dissaranan C, Cruz MA, Kiedrowski MJ, Balog BM, Gill BC, Penn MS, Goldman HB, Damaser MS. Rat mesenchymal stem cell secretome promotes elastogenesis andfacilitates recovery from simulated childbirth injury. Cell Transplant 2013 Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print].

11.  Agopian VG, Chen DC, Avansino JR, Stelzner M. Intestinal stem cell organoid transplantation generates neomucosa in dogs. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009; 13:971-82.

12.  Menge T, Zhao Y, Zhao J, Wataha K, Gerber M, Zhang J, Letourneau P, Redell J, Shen L, Wang J, Peng Z, Xue H, Kozar R, Cox CS Jr, Khakoo AY, Holcomb JB, Dash PK, Pati S. Mesenchymal stem cells regulate blood-brain barrier integrity through TIMP3 release after traumatic brain injury. Sci Transl Med. 2012; 4:161ra150.  Perspective Article by request of Pr. Dr. Baluska – Communicative & Integrative Biology

13.  Maguire G, Friedman P, McCarthy D, Friedman R, Maniotis AJ. Stem cell released molecules and exosomes in tissue engineering. Procedia Engineering 2013; 59: 270–278.

14.  Lai RC, Yeo RW, Tan KH, Lim SK. Exosomes for drug delivery – a novel application for the mesenchymal stem cell. Biotechnol Adv. 2013; 31:543-551.

15.  Mead CA. Collective Electrodynamics, MIT Press, 2000.

16.  Lupski, J.R. Genetics. Genome mosaicism–one human, multiple genomes. Science 2013; 341: 358-359.  Maguire G. Using a systems-based approach to overcome reductionist strategies in the development of diagnostics. Expert Rev Mol. Diagnostics. In Press.

17.  Barbour J, Pfister H . Mach’s Principle: From Newton’s Bucket to Quantum Gravity (Einstein Studies). Birkhauser,1995.

18.  Ainsworth C. Cell biology: Stretching the imagination. Nature. 2008; 456:696–699.  Maniotis AJ, Chen CS, Ingber DE. Demonstration of mechanical connections between integrins, cytoskeletal filaments, and nucleoplasm that stabilize nuclear structure. PNAS U S A. 1997: 94: 849–854.

19.  Maguire G, Connaughton V, Prat AG, Jackson GR Jr, Cantiello HF. Actin cytoskeleton regulates ion channel activity in retinal neurons. NeuroReport 1998; 9:665-671.  Perspective Article by request of Pr. Dr. Baluska – Communicative & Integrative Biology

20.  Engler A J, Sen S, Sweeney H L, Discher D E. Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage specification. Cell 2006: 126, 677–689.

21.  Solon J, Levental I, Sengupta K, Georges PC, Janmey PA. Fibroblast adaptation and stiffness matching to soft elastic substrates. Biophys J. 2007; 93: 4453–4461.

22.  Maguire G, Friedman, P. The Systems Biology of Stem Cell Released Molecules—Based Therapeutics. ISRN Stem Cells 2013; Article ID 784541, 12 pages.

23.  Kathju S, Gallo PH, Satish L. Scarless integumentary wound healing in the mammalian fetus: molecular basis and therapeutic implications. Birth Defects Research 2012; 96: 223-236.

24.  Dvorak, H F. Tumors: wounds that do not heal. Similarities between tumor stroma generation and wound healing. N Engl J Med. 1986; 315:1650-1659.

25.  Lorenz HP, Longaker MT, Perkocha LA, Jennings, RW, Harrison MR, Adzick NS. Scarless wound repair: a human fetal skin model. Development 1992; 114: 253-259.

Elsevier Exosome Book Chapter Proofs

1.  Alvarez-Erviti, L., Seow, Y., Yin, H., Betts, C., Lakhal, S., Wood, M.J., 2011. Delivery of siRNA to the mouse brain by systemic injection of targeted exosomes. Nat. Biotechnol. 29 (4), 341_345. Available from:

2.  Armstead, A.L., Li, B., 2011. Nanomedicine as an emerging approach against intracellular pathogens. Int. J. Nanomed. 6, 3281_3293.

3.  Atay, S., Gercel-Taylorb, C., Kesimerc, M., Taylor, D.D., 2011. Morphologic and proteomic characterization of exosomes released by cultured extravillous trophoblast cells. Exp. Cell Res.,

4.  Bellingham, S.A., Guo, B.B., Coleman, B.M., Hill, A.F., 2012. Exosomes: vehicles for the transfer of toxic proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases? Front. Physial.  Available from:

5.  Bhat, R., Bissell, M.J., 2014. Of plasticity and specificity: dialectics of the micro- and macro-environment and the organ phenotype. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Membr. Transp. Signal. 3 (2), 147_163.

6.  Byeon, Y.E., Ryu, H.H., Park, S.S., Koyama, Y., Kikuchi, M., et al., 2010. Paracrine effect of canine allogenic umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells mixed with beta-tricalcium phosphate on bone regeneration in ectopic implantations. Cytotherapy 12, 626_636. Available from:

7.  Carayon, K., Chaoui, K., Ronzier, E., Lazar, I., Bertrand-Michel, J., Roques, V, et al., 2011.  Proteolipidic composition of exosomes changes during reticulocyte maturation. J. Biol. Chem. 286 (39), 34426_34439

8.  Chen, T.S., Lai, R.C., Lee, M.M., Choo, A.B., Lee, C.N., Lim, S.K., 2010. Mesenchymal stem cell secretes microparticles enriched in pre-microRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 38, 215_224. Available from:

9.  Chen, T.S., et al., 2011. Enabling a robust scalable manufacturing process for therapeutic exosomes through oncogenic immortalization of human ESC-derived MSCs. J. Transl. Med. 9, 47_57.

10.  Clayton, A., Turkes, A., Dewitt, S., Steadman, R., Mason, M.D., Hallett, M.B., 2004. Adhesion and signaling by B cell-derived exosomes: the role of integrins. FASEB J. 18, 977_979.

11.  Clayton, A., Mitchell, J.P., Court, J., Linnane, S., Mason, M.D., Tabi, Z., 2008. Human tumor-derived exosomes down-modulate NKG2D expression. J. Immunol. 180 (11), 7249_7258.

12.  Cretoiu, D., Cretoiu, S.M., Simionescu, A.A., Popescu, L.M., 2012a. Telocytes, a distinct type of cell among the stromal cells present in the lamina propria of jejunum. Pistol. Histopathol. 27, 1067_1078.

13.  Cretoiu, S.M., Cretoiu, D., Popescu, L.M., 2012b. Human myometrium—the ultrastructural 3D network of telocytes. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 16, 2844_2849.

14.  Dear, J.W., Street, J.M., Bailey, M.A., 2012. Urinary exosomes: a reservoir for biomarker discovery and potential mediators of intra-renal signaling. Proteomics. Available from:

15.  Dettre, R.H., Johnson, R.E.J., 1964. Contact angle hysteresis: II. Contact angle measurements on rough surfaces Contact S132. The dream of staying clean: lotus and biomimetic surfaces. In: Fowkes, F.M. (Ed.), Angle, Wettability, and Adhesion. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, pp. 136_144.

16.  Duijvesz, D., Luider, T., Bangma, C.H., Jenster, G., 2011. Exosomes as biomarker treasure chests for prostate cancer. Eur. Urol. 59, 823_831.

17.  Diederick, D., Burnum-Johnson, K.E., Gritsenko, M.A., Hoogland, A.M., Vredenbregt-van den Berg, M.S., Willemsen, R., et al., 2013. Proteomic profiling of exosomes leads to the identification of novel biomarkers for prostate cancer. PLoS One 8 (12), e82589.

18.  Ekstro¨m, K., Valadi, H., Sjo¨strand, M., Malmha¨ll, C., Bossios, A., et al., 2012. Characterization of mRNA and microRNA in human mast cell-derived exosomes and their transfer to other mast cells and blood CD34 progenitor cells. J. Extracell. Vesicles

19.  Erickson, H.P., 2009. Size and shape of protein molecules at the nanometer level determined by sedimentation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy. Biol. Proced. Online 11, 32_51. Available from:

20.  Faure, J., Lachenal, G., Court, M., Hirrlinger, J., Chatellard-Causse, C., Blot, B., et al.,2006.  Exosomes are released by cultured cortical neurones. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 31, 642_648.

21.  Furstner, R., Barthlott, W., Neinhuis, C., Walzel, P., 2005. Wetting and self-cleaning properties of artificial superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir 21, 956_961.

22.  Gallo, A., Tandon, M., Alevizos, I., Illei, G.G., 2012. The majority of micrornas detectable in serum and saliva is concentrated in exosomes. PLoS One 7, e30679. Gittes, F., Mickey, B., Nettleton, J., Howard, J., 1993. Flexural rigidity of microtubules and actin filaments measured from thermal fluctuations in shape. J. Cell Biol. 120, 923_934.

23.  Gradilla, A.C., et al., 2014. Exosomes as Hedgehog carriers in cytoneme-mediated transport and secretion. Nat. Commun. 5, 5649.

24.  Haynesworth, S.E., Baber, M.A., Caplan, A.I., 1996. Cytokine expression by human marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells in vitro: effects of dexamethasone and IL-1α. J. Cell. Physiol. 166, 585_592.

25.  Hao, S., Bai, O., Li, F., Yuan, J., Laferte, S., Xiang, J., 2007. Mature dendritic cells pulsed with exosomes stimulate efficient cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses and anti tumor immunity. Immunology 120 (1), 90_102.

26.  Huang, L., Ma, W., Ma, Y., Feng, D., Chen, H., Cai, B., 2015. Exosomes in mesenchymal stem cells, a new therapeutic strategy for cardiovascular diseases? Int. J. Biol. Sci. 11 (2), 238_245.

27.  Hurley, J.H., Odorizzi, G., 2012. Get on the exosome bus with alix. Nat. Cell Biol. 14, 654_655.

28.  Kato, T., et al., 2014. Exosomes from IL-1β stimulated synovial fibroblasts induce osteoarthritic changes in articular chondrocytes. Arthritis Res. Ther. 16, R163. Available from:

29.  Ko, S., Yip, H.-K., Zhen, Y.-Y., et al., 2015. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell exosomes suppress hepatocellular carcinoma growth in a rat model: apparent diffusion coefficient, natural killer T-cell responses, and histopathological features. Stem Cells AU:14 Int.Article ID 853506

30.  Kraft, J.C., Freeling, J.P., Wang, Z., Ho, R.J.Y., 2014. Emerging research and clinical development trends of liposome and lipid nanoparticle drug delivery systems. J. Pharm. Sci. 103, 29_52

31.  Erickson, H.P., 2009. Size and shape of protein molecules at the nanometer level determined by sedimentation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy. Biol. Proced. Online 11, 32_51.

32.  Faure, J., Lachenal, G., Court, M., Hirrlinger, J., Chatellard-Causse, C., Blot, B., et al.,2006.  Exosomes are released by cultured cortical neurones. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 31, 642_648.

33.  Feynman, R., 1992. There’s plenty of room at the bottom. J. Microeleciromech. Syst. 1 (i), 60_66.

34.  Furstner, R., Barthlott, W., Neinhuis, C., Walzel, P., 2005. Wetting and self-cleaning properties of artificial superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir 21, 956_961.

35.  Gallo, A., Tandon, M., Alevizos, I., Illei, G.G., 2012. The majority of microns detectable in serum and saliva is concentrated in exosomes. PLoS One 7, e30679.

36.  Gittes, F., Mickey, B., Nettleton, J., Howard, J., 1993. Flexural rigidity of microtubules and actin filaments measured from thermal fluctuations in shape. J. Cell Biol. 120, 923_934.

37.  Gradilla, A.C., et al., 2014. Exosomes as Hedgehog carriers in cytoneme-mediated transport and secretion. Nat. Commun. 5, 5649. ncomms6649.

38.  Haynesworth, S.E., Baber, M.A., Caplan, A.I., 1996. Cytokine expression by human marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells in vitro: effects of dexamethasone and IL-1α. J. Cell. Physiol. 166, 585_592.

39.  Hao, S., Bai, O., Li, F., Yuan, J., Laferte, S., Xiang, J., 2007. Mature dendritic cells pulsed with exosomes stimulate efficient cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses and anti tumor immunity. Immunology 120 (1), 90_102.

40.  Huang, L., Ma, W., Ma, Y., Feng, D., Chen, H., Cai, B., 2015. Exosomes in mesenchymal stem cells, a new therapeutic strategy for cardiovascular diseases? Int. J. Biol. Sci. 11 (2), 238_245.

41.  Kato, T., et al., 2014. Exosomes from IL-1β stimulated synovial fibroblasts induce osteoarthritic changes in articular chondrocytes. Arthritis Res. Ther. 16, R163.

42.  Ko, S., Yip, H.-K., Zhen, Y.-Y., et al., 2015. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell exosomes suppress hepatocellular carcinoma growth in a rat model: apparent diffusion coefficient, natural killer T-cell responses, and histopathological features. Stem Cells AU:14 Int.Article ID 853506.

43.  Kraft, J.C., Freeling, J.P., Wang, Z., Ho, R.J.Y., 2014. Emerging research and clinical development trends of liposome and lipid nanoparticle drug delivery systems. J. Pharm. Sci. 103, 29_52

44.  Lai, Y., Gallo, R.L., 2009. AMPed up immunity: how antimicrobial peptides have multiple roles in immune defense. Trends Immunol. 30, 131_141.

45.  Lai, R.C., Arslan, F., Lee, M.M., Sze, N.S., Choo, A., Chen, T.S., 2010. Exosome secreted by MSC reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Stem Cell Res. 4, 214_222.

46.  Lee, J.K., Park, S.R., Jung, B.K., Jeon, Y.K., Lee, Y.S., Kim, M.K., et al., 2013. Exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells suppress angiogenesis by down-regulating VEGF expression in breast cancer cells. PLoS One 8 (12), e84256,

47.  Lugini, L., Cecchetti, S., Huber, V., Luciani, F., Macchia, G., Spadaro, F., et al., 2012.  Immune surveillance properties of human NK cell-derived exosomes. J. Immunol. 189, 2833_2842.

48.  Luesma, M.J., Gherghiceanu, M., Popescu, L.M., 2013. Telocytes and stem cells in limbus and uvea of mouse eye. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 17, 1016_1024.

49.  Maguire, G., 2013a. Using a systems-based approach to overcome reductionist strategies in the development of diagnostics. Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 13 (8), 895_905.

50.  Maguire, G., 2013b. Stem cell therapy without the cells. Commun. Integr. Biol. 6 (6), e26631.

51.  Maguire, G., 2014a. Systems biology approach to developing “systems therapeutics”. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 5 (5), 453_455,

52.  Maguire, G., 2014b. Maturing from embryonic to adult policy on stem cell therapeutics. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 5 (12), 1264_1265, eCollection December 11, 2014

53.  Maguire, G., Friedman, P., 2015. Systems biology approach to developing S2RM-based “systems therapeutics” and NiPSs. World J. Stem Cells (in press).

54.  Maguire, G., Friedman, P., McCarthy, D., Friedman, R., Maniotis, A., 2013. Stem cell released molecules and exosomes in tissue engineering. Procedia Eng. 59, 270_278,

55.  Makino, D.L., Halbach, F., Conti, E., 2013. The RNA exosome and proteasome: common principles of degradation control. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 14 (10), 654_660, Epub 2013 Aug 29.

56.  Mallipeddi, R., Rohan, L.C., 2010. Nanoparticle-based vaginal drug delivery systems for HIV prevention. Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. 7 (1), 37_48.

57.  Mathivanan, S., Lim, J.W.E., Tauro, B.J., Ji, H., Moritz, R.L., Simpson, R.J., 2010. Proteomics analysis of A33 immunoaffinity-purified exosomes released from the human colon tumor cell line LIM1215 reveals a tissue-specific protein signature. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 9 (2), 197_208.

58.  Mead, C., 2013. The Nature of Light: What are “Photons”? In: The Nature of Light: What are Photons? V. Proceedings of SPIE. No.8832. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA, Art. No. 883202. ISBN: 9780819496829 ,

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WJSC  World Journal of Stem Cell

1.  Cauffman G, De Rycke M, Sermon K, Liebaers I, Van de Velde H. Markers that define stemness in ESC are unable to identify the totipotent cells in human preimplantation embryos. Hum Reprod 2009; 24: 63-70 [PMID: 18824471 DOI: 10.1093/humrep/den351]

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