Skincare Science + Innovation | The NeoGenesis Story

Skincare Science + Innovation | The NeoGenesis Story

NeoGenesis has been at the forefront of developing better, more effective technologies in skincare products for decades. How do we do it? By harnessing the power of S²RM® technology to formulate the most advanced skin and hair care products available today. In this article, we’ll explore the history of this advanced skin and hair technology, dive deep into stem cell science and why it’s so important to skincare, and discuss what makes NeoGenesis truly unique from other skincare brands on the market today.


NeoGenesis, Inc. has discovered a core adult stem cell technology, S²RM® Technology, that is used to develop a new class of therapeutic, called “systems therapeutics” (Maguire, 2014).  Two or more adult stem cell types release many types of molecules that are used to target multiple pathways underlying the particular indication to be treated. Our technology is used to formulate the most advanced skin and hair care products available today.

Harnessing the power of SRM (stem cell released molecules) from two or more adult stem cells (S²RM® Technology) has been formulated to develop products for skin care and hair care. Skin products have been developed that help the skin become healthier and therefore more beautiful, by giving the skin what it needs and what it had when it was younger and healthier. Using a different formulation of the core S²RM® technology for fine and thinning hair, simple topical application of S²RM® can lead to thicker and more manageable hair.


S²RM® technology is based upon decades of laboratory and clinical research by Dr. Greg Maguire at the University of California beginning in 1985 at Berkeley with his biophysical, systems studies of the brain. Then beginning in 1995 at UC San Diego, Dr. Maguire began to work with adult stem cells. Prior to Maguire’s work, many studies had shown that totipotent stem cells could replicate themselves and then become almost any type of mature cell in the human body. Maguire’s colleague, Professor Gage at UCSD, showed for the first time that neurogenesis through adult stem cells was occurring in the brain. i.e. new neurons were being produced in the adult brain (Gage et al, 1995).

Early research in Maguire’s lab revealed that adult stem cells injected into the brain exert their beneficial effects primarily through the release of signaling molecules rather than through differentiation into new mature tissue.

Numerous prestigious laboratories have conducted extensive research over the years, revealing that both the function of stem cells and the quantity and quality of molecules they release diminish with age (Oh et al, 2014). Therefore, our ability to maintain and heal ourselves declines as we age because of the decline in stem cell function and their reduced ability to produce the SRM. If the molecules (SRM) could be restored to their normal levels in the aged tissue, then the ability of the tissue to maintain and heal itself would be restored to that of the younger, healthier person.


The NeoGenesis technology has harnessed the healing power of the molecules from adult stem cells to promote healthy tissues. Having helped to discover that much of the healing power of adult stem cells (Maguire, 2014B) arises from their release of growth factors, cytokines, proteasomes, microRNA, antioxidants, chaperone proteins (Maguire, 2013), all of which are packaged in a naturally produced smart nanosphere by the stem cell itself, called the exosome (Maguire et al, 2013).

NeoGenesis products mimic and stimulate the natural healing process of tissues by restoring to aged, damaged or diseased tissue all of the aforementioned molecules normally found in young, healthy tissue (Maguire and Friedman, 2015). Aging, damaged tissue that has lost many of these molecules can be rescued by adding these molecules back to the skin through topical application of the S²RM®.


Our patented technology stands out from the competition by utilizing the optimal combination of adult stem cell types relevant to specific tissues. We stimulate these adult stem cells under state-dependent conditions using advanced cell culture processes that reflect the latest scientific advancements. In contrast, other companies may rely on genetically modified cells that often suffer from genetic and epigenetic reprogramming errors, employing less advanced and cost-effective methods that yield an incomplete array of partially formed molecules.

By ensuring that all stem cell-released molecules (SRM) are fully formed and naturally released rather than extracted, we encapsulate the SRM in exosomes. This innovative approach enhances the protection, penetration, and targeting of these molecules to the tissues that require repair, setting our technology apart in the field. 


At NeoGenesis we use the full complement of molecules (S²RM®), all of which are fully formed. This S²RM® technology is natural healing in its truest sense, and a systems therapeutics approach.  The “systems therapeutics” approach means that S²RM® targets many pathways, instead of the traditional reductionist approach of one molecule targeting one pathway. Because all of the molecules are packaged into exosomes, the full complement of molecules are delivered together to the target tissue at the same time and in the same space. Emergent, systems level effects are the result, leading to greater safety and efficacy (Maguire, 2016).

Through powerful mimicry and stimulation of the natural healing processes found in human tissue and skin, NeoGenesis’ products achieve superior results, in the immediate and long term, and without side-effects. We simply add back to the aged skin what was once there in young, healthy skin.


The power of S²RM® technology means that homeostasis at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels can be restored to aged tissue that exists in a state of chronic para-inflammation, thus eliminating the chronic inflammation (Maguire and Smith, 2016). Moreover, new studies in humans demonstrate that many age-related metabolic changes may not be inevitable (Chee et al, 2016), meaning that there is much we can do to prevent or mitigate many components of the aging process. The metabolic study reinforces the importance of lifestyle, and particularly physical activity across the life span.


NeoGenesis provides one of the means to help prevent metabolic aging of the skin through homeostatic renormalization. Homeostasis is restored by providing the latest stem cell science to the development of skin and hair care products, returning to your body those molecules (20,000 proteins in only one of many exosomes, Maguire, 2016), that were present in your skin when you were young and healthy. The exosome not only protects and delivers the molecules to the skin’s layers, but also delivers all of the molecules together in space and time so that the molecules act together as a collective, yielding superior efficacy (Maguire, 2014; 2016).


In summary, the innovative approaches employed by NeoGenesis in harnessing the power of adult stem cell-derived molecules represent a significant advancement in skincare product development. By restoring essential proteins and growth factors through S²RM® technology, we offer a pathway to rejuvenate aged or damaged tissues, effectively mitigating the signs of aging and promoting overall skin health. This holistic, systems therapeutics methodology not only enhances the body’s innate healing processes but also underscores the potential for preventative strategies in addressing age-related metabolic changes. As research continues to uncover the complexities of stem cell biology, NeoGenesis remains at the forefront, committed to delivering products that reflect the latest scientific insights, fostering a healthier and more youthful complexion for all.


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